Col Scott "Soup" Campbell Distinguished Flying Cross Citations

Col Scott "Soup" Campbell Distinguished Flying Cross Citations

May 31, 2024


The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Captain Scott C. Campbell, United States Air Force, for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as an A-10 Pilot, 74th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron, 332d Air Expeditionary Group, Ahmed Al Jaber Air Base, Kuwait, from 4 March 2002 to 5 March 2002. During this period, flying as MISTY 11 and CHERRY 07, Captain Campbell successfully led the first and second A-10 mission into Afghanistan in support of Operation ANACONDA. Launching from Operation SOUTHERN WATCH's main operating base, Captain Campbell led an 11-hour mission into hostile territory recovering at an austere classified location. On his first sortie, he sorted out confusing communications and de-conflicted multiple fighter and AC-130 aircraft in the target area. Skillfully delivering two marking rockets bracketing the enemy position, he maneuvered MISTY 12 to deliver two 500-pound bombs with deadly accuracy. Preventing a blue-on-blue fratricide incident he directed a B-52 to change his attack direction to protect a friendly position only 1 kilometer north. During his second mission, Captain Campbell again took charge of airspace de-confliction. Directed to an enemy stronghold, he patiently used multiple target plots, ground controller talk-ons, and marking rockets to pinpoint the enemy's position. With approaching nightfall, he swiftly maneuvered his flight to deliver six 500-pound bombs and 500 30-millimeter high explosive incendiary rounds killing a confirmed 200 to 300 enemy personnel. During this action, he also cleared two F-18's to strike with additional bombs against the same target. The flight's outstanding tactical skill and mature airmanship inflicted heavy enemy losses and completely devastated an enemy counter attack against friendly forces. Captain Campbell saved countless Coalition lives and advanced the United States goals in the war on global terrorism. The professional competence, aerial skill, and devotion to duty displayed by Captain Campbell reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.


The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Second Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross to Captain Scott C. Campbell, United States Air Force, for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as an A-OA-10 Forward Air Control-Airborne and Flight Lead, 74th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron, 332d Air Expeditionary Group, Ahmed Al Jaber Air Base, Kuwait, on 6 March 2002. On that date, flying as SANDY 01, Captain Campbell successfully led his flight in support of the capture and extraction of a senior al Queda officer. Scrambled from a no-fly operations posture at an austere, classified forward operating base, he flawlessly executed an 8-hour day and night close air support mission as forward air controller-airborne and fighter flight lead against a high value target. Launched in fewer than 50 minutes from notification into unknown danger without mission planning or intelligence details, Captain Campbell exercised outstanding airmanship and sorted out his tasking and tanker plan while en route and while executing the mission in the target area. Directed to the target area, he rendezvoused with an unmanned aerial vehicle providing visual lookout. Once on scene, he took charge of the airspace, coordinated and controlled two pairs of F-14 and F/A-18 combat air patrols for immediate close air support fires and relayed critical communications between separated ground teams solving line-of-sight problems forced by high terrain. As the extraction team arrived, Captain Campbell searched the ingress route for enemy threats while monitoring maneuvering friendly forces from above. With the seizure complete, he provided armed escort to the helicopter formation at low altitude to maintain sight in difficult dusk conditions. His combat skills safeguarded a critically important mission, saving coalition lives and advancing the United States goals in the war on global terrorism. The professional competence, aerial skill, and devotion to duty displayed by Captain Campbell reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.


The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 2, 1926, takes pleasure in presenting a Second Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster in lieu of a Third Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross to Captain Scott C. Campbell, United States Air Force, for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as an A-/OA-10 Forward Air Control-Airborne and Flight Lead, 74th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron, 332d Air Expeditionary Group, Ahmed Al Jaber Air Base, Kuwait, on 7 March 2002. On that date, Captain Campbell's exemplary knowledge and outstanding airmanship, displayed under extremely hazardous conditions, culminated in highly successful penetration of enemy forces. Flying as SANDY 21, he led his flight into Afghanistan on a 7-hour mission to engage and destroy enemy artillery and vehicles while working in close proximity to friendly ground forces. Launching and recovering from a classified austere forward base, he led his flight to overcome challenging weather conditions consisting of thunderstorms, icing, and poor visibility to and from the target area. In the battle area he took control of the airspace as the forward air controller-airborne and skillfully de-conflicted AC-130 gunship fires, B-1, F-15E, and F-16 precision weapons deliveries. Exhibiting the utmost discipline, Captain Campbell closely tracked separation distances between strike targets and friendly ground positions while escorting AC-130 gunships in search of ground targets and intermittently active enemy anti-aircraft artillery. After a painstaking effort to sort strike clearances and friendly positions, he skillfully delivered six 500-pound bombs out of a high altitude dive bomb pass against enemy mortar and infantry positions on a steep mountain slope with devastating accuracy. He quickly maneuvered his wingman to expend six more 500-pound bombs, and then positioned the flight to maintain continuous pressure on the enemy. Not letting up, he swiftly added 550 rounds of high explosive incendiary 30-millimeter rounds, leaving the target in clouds of dust, secondary explosions and burning fires. By destroying Al Qaida and Taliban forces, Captain Campbell saved coalition lives and advanced the United States goals in the war on global terrorism. The professional competence, aerial skill, and devotion to duty displayed by Captain Campbell reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.